Friday, April 5, 2013

Quilting Gallery Show and Tell

Woah! I didn't realize it was almost three months since I posted last! And, no, I haven't been cleaning my sewing room during that time. Just a little bit. We did have the weeks of preparation before the week long Passover holiday and I survived the whole thing.

Quilters’ Show and Tell

I decided to enter a quilt into the Quilting Gallery's Show and Tell this week. The theme this week is Springtime Quilts and I entered my Spring - Aviv quilt. If you think it worthy, please vote for my quilt! You can get to the Show and Tell page here

I've written about this quilt previously for the Blogger's Quilt Festival a few years ago.

Like many, I was disappointed when Google announced that they're discontinuing Google Reader. I've been trying out several alternatives. One of them, Feed Demon, works well, but I decided I don't care for it because it is based on my computer, rather than web based, like the others.

I'll be using Google Reader up until the last minute, but in the meantime I've been using, concurrently, Feedly, Bloglovin' and The Old Reader. There are things I don't like about Feedly and Bloglovin, but that could change. So far, The Old Reader looks most promising to me.

Bloglovin' has this thing where you have to put their code in a post in order to "claim your blog" for people to be able to follow you using them. So, here it is: Follow my blog with Bloglovin
When I get a round tuit, I'll put a gadget on the sidebar for it.