Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finally a Finish: Fast Friday Fabric Challenge

It's been a while and I've finally got something finished to show. Back in October I joined the Fast Friday Fabric Challenge. I wasn't able to get anything going for the first few months, but this time I started working on an idea and didn't stop until I finished. 

I decided to combine challenge #51 and challenge #52. I sort of kept the idea I had for 51 and changed the fabrics to be better suited for 52. There is no story behind it. No meaning to any of the squiggly shapes. Just what I felt like doing as I went along with no explanation as to why I did any of it, except that I do make a lot of things using the hexagon shape. If you click on the hexagon label below, most of them should come up.




  1. This is just a happy dance!

    Love the quilting!

  2. Oh Debbie I just love it - such a cheerful piece! The quilting is incredible. Excellent work!

  3. WOW! Such precision quilting. Beautiful.

  4. Great and artistic creation... Its beautiful

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  5. That is wonderful...very modern looking and pretty!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This is very striking. Thanks for sharing it with me.

    Fabric postcards? have you been making any lately>? I have started a new blog where I feature postcards only Would love to show some of your there. I'll even make one for you if you'd like.

    Send a post Card a week


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